Get in Touch

Over the course of the past few years, we have taken the ZCD formula and started expanding our reach and performance around the globe. ZCD now has offices in the United States, UK and Philippines and we are always on the look out for more partners to work with.


ZCD LLC is HQ andoperate the US arm of the business and can be reached here:


ZCD Ltd operate in the UK and can be reached here:


ZCD Systems Php operate within the Philippines andAsia-Pac and can be reached here:

Phone: +44 7701 388 748


Address: ZCD Ltd. 4 Gedling Street, Unit 6 Sneinton Market, Nottingham, NG1 1DS UK

Phone: +44 7701 388 748


Address: ZCD Systems Php. Unit 2, Second Floor, TL Plaza, Building 191 McArthur Highway. Pulungbulu Angeles Pampanga, Philippines.


Please be aware that Zerosion Corrosion Defense does not operate in MENA any longer, if you become aware of any goods being sold in the MENA area falsely adverting the ZCD name, these are unsanctioned sales and are either stolen or fake. 

We have worked hard to create and deliver a quality product, that we own the rights to.  If you are unsure of produce validity, just ask the vendor what they are selling and what makes it work, if they can't answer, then you have your answer.